Classes of settings

This topic explains classes and how they are used in the Advanced Settings UtilityASU.

For commands that support operating on multiple settings, classes are used to indicate groups of settings. The commands that support classes are comparedefault, help, loaddefault, show, showdefault, showlocation, and showvalues.


The ASU classes of settings are described in the following list:

This class includes all settings that are listed in the ASU for the Remote Supervisor Adapter or Remote Supervisor Adapter II, baseboard management controller, and BIOS.
This class includes all settings that are classified as authentication settings, such as passwords, user IDs, and authority-related settings.
The save and restore commands do not save or restore this class of settings.
You can list the user IDs and authority-related settings by using the show command.
You cannot list the password settings by using the show command. To list the password settings, use the showvalues command.
List the settings defined as authentication, including the password settings. Password settings are normally not displayed when you use the show command. To display the available password, use the showvalues command with the password class:
asu showvalues authentication
This class lists all settings that are not restored when you run the restore command. An additional flag is required for these settings to be included during a restore operation. For more information, see the restore command.
The class is used as a filter for the show, showvalues, showdefault, and showlocation commands.
To list the settings that are not restored if saved, type the following command:asu show backupctl
This class includes all settings that match the installed BIOS code level.
This class includes all settings that are identified as baseboard management controller settings.
This class includes all settings that are not in the reboot class that can be changed safely and changed back before the system is restarted.
This class includes all settings that you cannot change safely before a restart but that must be tested.
This class includes all settings that belong to the specified group. To view the supported groups, use the showgroups command.
Settings in BIOS-based servers and IMM-based servers are cataloged into classes or groups. If specified, the class is used as a filter for the command that is displaying or operating on the settings.
The class is used as a filter for the show, showvalues, showdefault, showlocation, save, restore, and replicate commands.
To list the settings that are part of the IMM group (IMM-based servers), use:asu show IMM
To list the settings that are part of the BIOS group (BIOS-based servers), use:asu show bios
This class includes all changeable settings that are not in the reboot and change classes.
This class lists all settings that are not replicated when you run the replicate command. These settings are usually unique to each system.
The class is used as a filter for the show, showvalues, showdefault, and showlocation commands.
To list the settings that are not replicated, use:asu show noreplicate
This class lists all settings that are classified as password settings.
Password setting values are not displayed with the show command.
This class filter can be used with the following commands to list the settings classified as password: showvalues, showdefault, and showlocation (BIOS-based servers only) commands.
List the settings that are defined as password settings. Password settings are normally not displayed when you use the show command. To display the available password, use the showvalues command with the password class: asu showvalues password
This class includes all settings that are identified as Remote Supervisor Adapter and Remote Supervisor Adapter II settings.
This class includes all settings that are read-only (for example, settings that you cannot change).
This class includes all settings that can be changed safely before a restart. If changing a setting does not preclude starting from the hard disk drive on the next startup, the setting is in this class.
This class includes all settings that are write-only (for example, settings that you can change but that cannot be read, such as passwords).