General command options

This section describes general command options, including bypass, dumptofile, -nx node, showsptraffic, silent, and help.

Bypass command option

Note: The bypass command option is not available for IMM-based servers.

If you try to run the patchadd command on a system on which a BIOS CMOS patch file is already installed in the BIOS ROM, and the definition file that you use has the same BIOS code level as the system, an error message is generated and the ASU is not modified. Also, if you issue the patchremove command and select the BIOS CMOS patch, an error message is generated, and the ASU does not remove this patch.

To add and use a BIOS CMOS definition patch file on a system in which the BIOS ROM has a BIOS CMOS patch with the same BIOS code level, use the bypass option (--bypass) at the end of the asu command.

asu  patchadd  GG16A.def --bypass 
asu patchlist  --bypass 
asu show all --bypass

When you run the asu command with the bypass option, the ASU ignores the BIOS CMOS patch information in the BIOS ROM.

--dumptofile command option

Use the --dumptofile option to redirect all output that is produced by the ASU to a log file.

Using the dumptofile command

The --dumptofile option is inserted at the end of any ASU command.

The --dumptofile option complements and is mutually exclusive with the silent option. When the --dumptofile option is specified, the ASUruns in silent mode. All output that is produced by the ASU, whether informational or error logging, is redirected to a predefined log file. For Linux, the log file is /asulog/asuout.log. For Windows, the log file is c:\asulog\asuout.log, where c is the system drive as defined in Windows.


The dumptofile option does not produce any additional output or filter any output that is normally produced by the ASU. It is a simple redirect to the predefined file.

Every time the ASU runs, the predefined file is initialized. All content from a previous ASU run is lost. There are no appends to the existing file from a previous run.

The predefined log file has no maximum file size. If during an ASU run the file reaches the maximum file system available space, any additional output is lost.


The following examples show the asu command with the dumptofile option.

Command Description
asu show all dumptofile This ASU command shows the current value for all settings and redirects the output to a predefined log file.
asu set CMOS_CRTRequired Disabled dumptofile This ASU command sets the value, and all output is redirected to the predefined log file.

-nx node option

The -nx option supports multi-node systems. A multi-node system has multiple BIOS CMOS settings, Remote Supervisor Adapter settings, baseboard management controller settings for legacy systems, multiple uEFI settings, and IMM settings for IMM-based systems. The ASU enables you to access any node settings by adding the -nx parameter to the command (where x is the selected node).

Before you use the -nx option with a multi-node system that is running a Windows operating system, see IPMI device driver support for Windows. If the multi-node system is running a Linux operating system, see IPMI device driver support for Linux.


If the optional -nx parameter is specified, the ASU performs the operation for node x, where x is the selected node in a multi-node system and is represented by a number from 1 through 8. If the -nx parameter is not specified, the operation is performed on the primary node (node 1). The -nx option must be at the end of the command. If the --bypass option is also specified, the --bypass option must follow the node option. See the following examples.

asu show all -n3

This command shows the current value for all settings for node 3.

asu set CMOSCRTRequired Disabled

This command sets the CMOS setting to disabled for node 1.

asu rebootrsa -n1

This command restarts the Remote Supervisor Adapter node 1, which is the primary node.

asu patchadd GG16A.def -nx 2 --bypass

This command forces adding a patch to node 2.

When you run the asu command with the --bypass option, the ASU ignores the BIOS CMOS patch information in BIOS ROM.

--showsptraffic command option

Note: The --showsptraffic command option is not available for IMM-based servers.

Use the --showsptraffic command option to show raw traffic to and from the service processor (SP). Use this option for debugging.


The --showsptraffic option can be inserted anywhere in any asu command. Any communication with the service processor is shown.


When the --showsptraffic option is specified on the command line, the following lines are interspersed with normal output:
SP Sent: <byte 1> <byte 2> ... <byte n>
SP Recv: <byte 1> <byte 2> ... <byte n>
SP6 Sent: <byte 1> <byte 2> ... <byte n>
SP6 Recv: <byte 1> <byte 2> ... <byte n>


The --showsptraffic option and corresponding output are shown in the following example.

Command line:
asu show RSA_SSL_Server_Enable --showsptraffic 
SP Sent: 02 06 00 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 01 01 
SP Recv: 04 06 01 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 01 01 00 
Command line:
asu set RSA_SSH_Enable Enabled --showsptraffic 
SP Sent: 00 06 01 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 04 01 01 
SP Recv: 04 06 00 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 04 01 
SP Sent: 02 06 00 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 04 01 
SP Recv: 04 06 01 00 00 00 04 09 05 01 04 01 01 

--silent command option

Use the --silent command option to suppress all output.


The --silent option can be inserted at the end of any ASU command. Any output that is produced by the ASU as either informational or error logging to screen is suppressed. To determine whether the command was successful, see the command return code.


If the ASU command is successful, the return code is zero (0). If the ASU command is not successful, the return code is a positive number greater than zero. For information about the return codes, see Return codes.


In the following example, the ASU sets the value, and no output is produced to the screen or to a file.
asu set CMOS_CRTRequired Disabled --silent 

--help command option

Use the --help command option to show command-line help.


The --help option can be used to give a full description of an ASU application (for example, savestat, immcfg or fodcfg) or ASU command (for example, batch, set, or loaddefault).


The output is a full description of the ASU application or command, including available options and the description of those options. By running the command asu --help you can obtain details about the --help command option.


In the following command example, the ASU displays the full description of the asu show command.

Command line:
asu show --help 

You can view the current value for one or all settings. If <setting> is specified, the current value is shown for the setting only. If --group all is specified, current values are shown for all settings. If --group <group> is specified, then values are shown for settings in that group only. If --setlist <setting1>...<settingN> is specified, the list of settings from <setting1> to <settingN> are specified.

show [<setting>][<cmdmod>] [<options>] [<connect_opts>]
Note: Use the command asu showgroups to find available variable classes.
Option Description
--setlist<name 1>...<name n> Operate commands on list of settings.
--group<variableclass> Operate commands on the group of setting options.
--silent Silent execution. Use the return code to retrieve status.
--dumptofile Run silently and send output to asuout .log file.
-n<node> Node number node in a multinode system.
-v If the optional -v parameter is specified, the output is verbose.
Note: These connectivity options apply to IMM-based servers only:
Option Description
--host<ip> Address of the IMM to operate on.
--user<user> User name used to authenticate to the IMM.
--password<password> Password used to authenticate to the IMM.
--password-file<file name> File containing password to authenticate with IMM.