Command modifiers

This topic describes the command modifiers and the commands to which they apply.


Command modifiers are optional. Use command modifiers to modify the default operation of specific commands.
Table 1. Command modifiers
Command modifier Description Syntax LAN over USB

Optional command modifier for the show, showdefault, showvalues, showlocation,and save commands.

When used with a supporting command, the modifier specifies the name of a group section.

The group_name is obtained by running the showgroups command.

asu show [--group group_name] asu save [--group group_name]

Obtain the group_name by running the following showgroups command: asu showgroups


Optional command modifier for the show, showdefault, showvalues, showlocation, and save commands.

When used with a supporting command, it is used to specify a list of settings on which the command operates.

asu show [--setlist name1 name2 nameN]

asu save [--setlist name1 name 2 nameN]


Optional command modifier for the save command.

Use this command modifier with the save command to exclude saving the backup control settings in a file.

The default in a save command is to include all backupctl settings. To review the backupctl settings, use the asu show backupctl command.

This command is mutually exclusive to the incbackupctl command modifier.

asu save file_name [--excbackupctl]

Optional command modifier for the restore command.

Use this command modifier with the restore command to include the backup control settings.

The backupctl settings are not restored by default. To review the backupctl settings, use the asu show backupctl command.

This command is mutually exclusive to the excbackupctl command modifier.

asu save file_name [--incbackupctl]

Optional command modifier for the showvalues command.

Use this command modifier with the showvalues command to show the names of settings that can have instances.

This command is mutually exclusive to the group command modifier.

asu showvalues [--instances]

Optional command modifier for all commands and applications.

Use this command modifier to show the help text for an ASU command or application.

asu command | application --help