CMM VPD configuration

This topic describes CMM VPD configuration that is supported by the ASU. CMM VPD is the application for CMM VPD configuration, which is supported by ASU 9.60 or later. It is used to manage VPD of the Chassis Management Module.

Command syntax

asu cmmvpd <command>[setting name][command options][connection options]
Table 1. Commands
Command Description
enum Displays the topology path in CMM.
show Displays the VPD information.
set Changes the VPD information.
revert Reverts from OEM VPD to Lenovo VPD and cleans the OEM VPD block.
help Displays detailed information about the setting.
Table 2. Command options
Command option Description
--help Displays information about this command in the console window and exits.
Table 3. Connection options
Connection option Description
--host<ip> Address of the CMM server to operate on.
--user<userid> CMM user name for authentication.
--password<password> CMM password for authentication.
--port<port> CMM port; the default is 6091.