createuuid command

Use the createuuid command to generate and set the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). This command is for IMM-based servers only.


Note: When you set the UUID, the command requires the setting name. You can use the asu show command to identify the setting.
The syntax of the createuuid command is:
asu createuuid UUID_setting_name [connect_options]


  1. The UUID_setting_name is usually defined as SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID.
  2. To view the actual setting name, which can vary from server to server, use the show command to list the setting name that belongs to the SYSTEM_PROD_DATA group. To view the available groups, use the showgroups command.
  3. The connect options are defined for IMM-based servers only. The --host ip_address, --user user_id, and --password password connect options are all required if you connect remotely to the IMM. The default user and password will not support an out-of-band connection now. The --mtsn, --net, --user, and --password options can be used to connect to IMM-based servers if the server running ASU and the target IMM-based servers are in one LAN. The --user user_id and --password password connect options are not required if you are using the local KCS interface.


To see the value that is set by the createuuid command, use the show command.
The output of the show command is the new randomly-generated UUID.
The createuuid command and corresponding output are shown in the following examples.
Command line:
asu createuuid SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID


The command does not produce output. To see the generated UUID, use the show command.