Use the export command to export a
selected certificate or certificate sign request (CSR) file.
This export command is only for the Remote Supervisor Adapter and Remote Supervisor Adapter II and IMM. Specially, out-of-band
mode of the command is supported only for IMM. This command fails
if the certificate or certificate sign request is not available in
the Remote Supervisor Adapter, Remote Supervisor Adapter II, or IMM.
The export command generates a binary file that is saved in
the current directory.
The syntax of the
export is
asu export setting certificate_binary_file [-nx] [connect_options]
setting is the name of a valid
ASU setting and
certificate_binary_file is the
name of a file that is generated with the valid certificate information
that is provided by the
Remote Supervisor Adapter,
Remote Supervisor Adapter II, or
- If the optional -nx parameter is specified,
the ASU performs
the operation for node x, where x is the selected node in a multi-node system and is represented by
a number from 1 through 8. If the -nx parameter
is not specified, the operation is performed on the primary node (node
- The connect options are defined for IMM-based servers only.
The --host ip_address, --user user_id, and --password password connect options are all required if you
connect remotely to the IMM. The default user and password will not support an out-of-band
connection now. The --mtsn, --net, --user, and --password options
can be used to connect to IMM-based servers if
the server runningASU and the target IMM-based servers are in one LAN. The --user user_id and --password password connect options are not required if you are using the local KCS interface.
The output of the export command is a binary file and a message that indicates that the Remote Supervisor Adapter, Remote Supervisor Adapter II, or IMM completed the command
The export command and corresponding
output are shown in the following example.
Exporting a certificate from RSA
asu export RSA_SSL_Client_PrivateKey_Export asu.cert
Certificate was exported to the file successfully!
( asu.cert file is saved in the current directory)
Exporting a certificate sign request file from IMM
The IMM external IP address
Command line:
asu export IMM.SSL_HTTPS_SERVER_CSR asu.cert --host --user USERID
--password PASSW0RD
Certificate was exported successfully!
( asu.cert file in saved in the current directory)