Remote Disk Command Line Interface (RDCLI)

This topic describes the Remote Disk Command Line Interface (RDCLI) and provides examples for how to use it.

The RDCLI is designed to mount an ISO/DVD/CD to a remote IMM-based server. Before you invoke the RDCLI, make sure that:

To mount a CDROM/ISO to a remote IMM:
rdmount -s d /dev/cdrom -l USERID -p PASSW0RD 
rdmount -s d /home/install.iso -l USERID -p PASSW0RD
rdmount s d /dev/cdrom -l USERID p PASSW0RD w 90
If a remote IMM has an IPv6 address:
rdmount -s 2002:325b:1000::097D:5AF5 d /dev/cdrom -l USERID -p PASSW0RD 
rdmount -s 2002:325b:1000::097D:5AF5 d /home/install.iso -l USERID -p PASSW0RD
rdmount s 2002:325b:1000::097D:5AF5 d /dev/cdrom -l USERID p PASSW0RD w 90
2002:325b:1000::097D:5AF5 is an IPv6 address of IMM.

If the mount is successful, a message displays that the mount operation completed without error. Otherwise, a message states that the mount operation failed and provides details about the failure.

In the examples, -w 90 means that you can switch the authentication port to 90, the default port number is 80. If you do not provide the -w parameter, RDCLI will use a default port of 80.

Query the existing mount sessions between the client operating system and the remote server:
rdmount q

The output lists all available tokens on the client operating system in the following format:

"Token 507 mounted to SP"

Unmount an ISO/DVD/CD that is already mounted to the remote system. For this example, the remote mount session has the token 507: rdumount 507.

If the action was successful, a message displays saying that the present remote session has ended. If the action failed, an error message and reason for the failure is printed.