set command

Use the set command to either change the value of a setting or to list a setting.

The set command also creates an instance if the instance number does not exist, and if the instance value is less than or equal to the maximum allowed instances for the setting. For more information about instances, see Instances of settings.


The syntax of the set command is either
asu set settingvalue [-v] [-nx] [connect_options]
where setting is the name of a setting to change. Use the command asu show all to show a list of available settings; value is the exact value string to set for the setting.

For settings with a single value, the asu showvalues command output is setting_name=value.

asu set setting value1=value2=valueN [-v] [-nx] [connect_options]
where setting is the name of a setting to change that can accept a list of values. Use the asu showvalues setting command to show a list of all values that are available for the setting.

For settings that allow a list of values, the asu showvalues command output syntax is setting_name==value1=value2=valueN. The double equal sign (==) shows that the setting can accept either single or multiple values in an ordered list.


  1. Values that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). If a value contains quotation marks, add a backslash ( \ ) before each quotation mark in the value.
  2. If the optional -v parameter is specified, the output is verbose.
  3. If the optional -nx parameter is specified, the ASU performs the operation for node x, where x is the selected node in a multi-node system. Node x can be a number from 1 through 8. If the -nx parameter is not specified, the operation is performed on the primary node (node 1).
  4. The connect options are defined for IMM-based servers only. The --host ip_address, --user user_id, and --password password connect options are all required if you connect remotely to the IMM. The default user and password will not support an out-of-band connection now. The --mtsn, --net, --user, and --password options can be used to connect to IMM-based servers if the server running ASU and the target IMM-based servers are in one LAN. The --user user_id and --password password connect options are not required if you are using the local KCS interface.


The output of the set command when the -v parameter is not specified is the setting name and the new value. When the -v parameter is specified, the description of the setting is also shown.

The setting with a single value without the -v parameter:
<setting>=<new value>
The setting with a single value with the -v parameter:
<setting>: <setting description> = <new value>
The setting with multiple values without the -v parameter:
<setting>=<new value1>=<new value2>=<new valueN>
The setting with multiple values with the -v parameter:
<setting>: <setting description>=<new value1>=<new value2>=<new valueN>

The set command and corresponding output are shown in the following examples.

Command line:
 asu set CMOS_CRTRequired Disabled
Command line:
asu set CMOS_DisketteA "1.44 MB 3.5\""
CMOS_DisketteA=1.44 MB 3.5"
Command line:
asu set RSAIP_HostIPAddress1
Command line:
asu set RSAString_LoginId2 rsauser
Command line to set the boot order to be CD/DVD ROM, then diskette, and then Hard Disk 0:
asu set BootOrder.BootOrder "CD/DVD Rom=Floppy Disk=Hard Disk 0"
BootOrder.BootOrder=CD/DVD Rom=Floppy Disk=Hard Disk 0

Create a new record instance and set the record key setting

Command line:
asu set iSCSI.AttemptName.2 "MyAttempt2Name"
Note: All other settings in this record (for example, iSCSI.LocalIp.2 and iSCSI.SubnetMask.2) are set to default values.

To set the other settings for this instance in this record, refer to the following examples:

Command line:
asu set iSCSI.LocalIp.2 ""
The output is followed by this command line:
asu set iSCSI.SubnetMask.2 ""