showvalues command

Use the showvalues command to list all possible values for one or more settings.

This command is useful for finding the value parameter that is used for the set command. The showvalues command also describes the setting interdependencies information.


The syntax of the showvalues command is
asu showdefault [all | --group group_name |  setting_name | 
--setlist name1..nameN | class] [-v] [-nx] [connect_options] 

asu showvalues [all | --group group_name | setting_name | --setlist name1..nameN | --instances | class] [-v | -t] [-nx] [connect_options]


  1. If the optional all parameter is specified, all settings are displayed.
  2. If the optional --group group_name is specified, only settings in the group group_name are displayed.
  3. If the optional --setlist name1..nameN is specified, only the settings that are specified in name1..nameN are displayed.
  4. If the optional class setting is specified, only settings that belong to the specific class are displayed.
  5. If the optional -v parameter is specified, the output is verbose.
  6. If the optional -t parameter is used, the output includes the raw values.
  7. If the optional -nx parameter is specified, the ASU performs the operation for node x, where x is the selected node in a multi-node system. Node x is represented by a number from 1 through 8. If the -nx parameter is not specified, the operation is performed on the primary node (node 1).
  8. The connect options are defined for IMM-based servers only. The --host ip_address, --user user_id, and --password password connect options are all required if you connect remotely to the IMM. The default user and password will not support an out-of-band connection now. The --mtsn, --net, --user, and --password options can be used to connect to IMM-based servers if the server running ASU and the target IMM-based servers are in one LAN. The --user user_id and --password password connect options are not required if you are using the local KCS interface.
  9. If the optional --instances parameter is specified, only settings that can have instances are displayed. The minimum and maximum number of instances allowed for the settings is also displayed. For more information about instances, see Instances of settings.


If the -v parameter is not specified, the setting and its value are displayed. If the -v parameter is specified, the description of the setting is also displayed.

If the setting is an enumerated type:
-v and -t not specified:
          <setting>=<value 1>=<value 2>=...=<value n>
-v specified:
          <setting>: <setting description> {
                   <value 1>
                   <value 2>
                   <value n>
-t specified:
<setting>=<value 1>[<raw 1>]=<value 2>[<raw 2>]=...=<value n>[<raw n>]
If the setting is a string type:
-v not specified:
                   <length> is the max length string that can be entered.  
                   If <length> is omitted, there is no maximum.
-v specified:
           <setting>: <setting description> {
                   <length> is the max length string that can be entered.  
                   If <length> is omitted, there is no maximum.
If the setting is an IP address type:
-v not specified:
           <setting>= x.x.x.x where (0 <= x <= 255)
-v specified:
           <setting>: <setting description> { 
                   A string formatted x.x.x.x, where x is an integer from 0 to 255
If the setting is a MAC address type:
-v not specified:
           <setting>= x:x:x:x where (0 <= x <= FF)
-v specified:
           <setting>: <setting description> {
                   A string formatted x:x:x:x, where x is a hex integer from 0 to FF
If the setting is a keystroke sequence type:
-v not specified:
           <setting>=(c )* where c in [0x01-0xFF, 'ESC', ^A-^Z, ^[-^_, ' '-'~']
-v specified:
          <setting>: <setting description> {
           A space-separated sequence of characters where each of the characters is:
                     0x01-0xFF, 'ESC', ^A-^Z, ^[-^_, ' ', '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', 
                     '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0'-'9', ':', ';', '<', 
                     '=', '>', '?', '@', A'-'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_', 'a'-'z', 
                     '{', '|', }', or '~'
If the --instances parameter is specified, the output for a setting that is not part of a record is:
-v not specified:
          <setting>= numeric type=dec min=0 max=65535 default=3260 [min=0, max=256]
                 The output for the setting indicates that it can have anywhere from 
                 0 to 256 instances. This is indicated by [min=0, max=256]'
-v specified:
<setting>: T <setting description> {
    numeric data
    numeric type = dec
    minimum value = 0
    maximum value = 65535
    default value = 3260
    min instances = 0
    max instances = 256

The verbose output for the setting also indicates that it can have anywhere from 0 to 256 instances. This is indicated by min instances = 0 and max instances = 256.

If the --instances parameter is specified, the output for settings that are part of a record is:
-v not specified:
setting1=char[] default="" [min=0, max=12] recordKey
setting2=char[] default="" [min=0, max=12] recordKey="setting1"
setting3=char[] default="" [min=0, max=12] recordKey="setting1"
The output for all of the settings indicate that they can have anywhere from 0 to 12 instances. Setting1 is the record key, and setting2 and setting3 are part of a record,


setting1 is the key setting.

For more information about records, see Record management.
-v specified:
<setting1>: <setting1 description> {
    default =
    min instances = 0
    max instances = 12
    Record Key
<setting2>: <setting2 description> {
    maximum characters = 16
    pattern = ^(.{4,16})?
    default =
    Record Key = <setting1>
<setting3>: <setting3 description> {
    maximum characters = 16
    pattern = ^(.{4,16})?
    default =
    Record Key = <setting1>

The verbose output for setting1 also indicates that it can have anywhere from 0 to 256 instances. In this case, it is indicated by min instances = 0 and max instances = 256. Setting1 is the recordKey, and setting2 and setting3 are part of the same record as setting1,


setting1 is the key setting.

For more information about records, see Record management.

If the setting is a certificate-related setting:
-v not specified:
-v specified:
<setting>:<setting long name> {
"generate, import, export" are methods supported by this certificate setting.

If the setting has interdependency information:

Setting 1 has clear dependency:
<setting 1>=<value 11>=<value 12>=...=<value 1n>
This setting is hidden if the result of the following expression is true:
" <setting 2>== <value 20> "
Refer to the ASU User's Guide for the settings which is marked as (*).
Setting 1 depends on both internal settings and system environment:
(*)<setting 1>=<value 11>=<value 12>=...=<value 1n>
See the ASU User's Guide for the settings marked as (*).

The showvalues command and corresponding output are shown in the following examples.

Command line:
asu showvalues CMOS_SerialA
CMOS_SerialA=PnP=Auto-configure=<Port 3F8, IRQ 4>=Port 2F8,
IRQ 3=Port 3E8, IRQ 4=Port 2E8, IRQ 3=Disabled
Command line:
asu showvalues CMOS_SerialA -v
CMOS_SerialA: Serial Port A {
Port 3F8, IRQ 4 (default)
Port 2F8, IRQ 3
Port 3E8, IRQ 4
Port 2E8, IRQ 3
Command line:
asu showvalues CMOS_SerialA -t
CMOS_SerialA=PnP=Auto-configure=<Port 3F8, IRQ 4>=Port 2F8,
IRQ 3=Port 3E8, IRQ 4=Port 2E8, IRQ 3=Disabled
Command line:
asu showvalues --instances
IMM.LoginId=char[] maxchars=16 pattern=^(.{4,16})? default=<remove> 
[min=0, max=12] recordKey
IMM.Password=char[] default="" [min=0, max=12] recordKey="IMM.LoginId"
IMM.AuthorityLevel=<Supervisor>=ReadOnly=Custom [min=0, max=12] 
Command line: