uEFI settings in an IMM2 system

This section provides information about the uEFI settings that you can use on an IMM2 system.

In the IMM2 system, ASU supports the uEFI group for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) with Lenovo customization. To get the uEFI setting list, use the following ASU command: asu.exe showvalues uefi --host <OS_ip> --user root --password <OS_password> --vmware-esxi

You can also get the list by using the command asu show uefi <connection_options> in a Windows or Linux operating system of your current IMM2 system. uEFI setting interdependencies are supported for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) with Lenovo customization on ASU version 9.50, IMM version 1A0045V or later.