The ASU uses
either the asu or asu64 command.
This topic explains how to use the commands and provides examples.
- To see all of the ASU command
modes and options, type the following command: asu
Note: For
a 64-bit operating system, type asu64.
- To change a value, type the following command:
asu set setting value
- To show the current value, type the following command:
asu show setting
- To show all possible values, type the following command:
asu showvalues setting
- To add a patch, type the following command:
asu patchadd filename.def
where filename is
the file name of the definition file.
Explanation of variables
- In the commands, setting is the name of a setting
that you want to view or change, and value is the
value that you are placing on the setting.
- If value contains spaces, enclose the value
string in quotation marks (").
- If you are using a Linux operating
system, you must either add a period (.) to the path environment variable
or type ./ before each ASU command. For example,
type ./asu or for a 64-bit operating system,
type ./asu64.