This topic describes how to use the ASU to configure settings for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) with Lenovo customization in IMM-based servers.
The VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) supports the ASU. Because the ESXi image has no console and individual tools cannot run directly on this operating system, the ASU configures the ESXi image based on the CIM stack. The ASU only supports IMMv1 or IMM2 systems that have the CIM stack. Make sure that the CIM server is available on the operating system before running the ASU command.
ESXi with Lenovo customization must synchronize the schema from IMM either after the operating system starts or after the IMM firmware is updated. The update takes approximately 15 minutes. Do not run the ASU until the schema synchronization is finished.
asu command <setting_name> <connection_options>
For the VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) operating system, ASU supports only three basic commands for configuration:
show gets the current setting value
set modifies the current setting value
showvalues presents the values that the setting supports