Creating a task sequence to deploy an existing image package

Creating a task sequence to deploy an existing image package involves using the Task Sequence Editor.

About this task
The Task Sequence Editor has many optional and required settings for building a customized operating system installation, but the required steps are few:
  1. Format and partition a disk.
  2. Apply the operating system.

Of course, you can have many other steps to perform such useful tasks as adding drivers, configuring Windows® settings, and configuring network settings during the deployment.

IBM® tools add yet more configuration possibilities that center around hardware configuration.

  1. Create a simple task sequence that can deploy a captured operating system.
    1. Capture an operating system image.
    2. Add the target machines to the Configuration Manager database, if necessary.
    3. Create a task sequence for deploying the captured operating system.
    4. Edit the task sequence to add a step that partitions and formats the drive.
      Figure 1. Task Sequence Editor: Format and Partition Disk
      Task Sequence Editor: Format and Partition Disk
    5. Define a step that applies the captured operating system image.
      Figure 2. Task Sequence Editor: Apply Operating System Image
      Task Sequence Editor: Apply Operating System Image
    6. Advertise the task sequence to make it available to bare metal servers.
  2. Define how to apply Windows settings.
    Figure 3. Task Sequence Editor: Apply Windows Settings
    Task Sequence Editor: Apply Windows Settings
  3. Define how to apply device drivers.
    Figure 4. Task Sequence Editor: Auto Apply Drivers
    Task Sequence Editor: Auto Apply Drivers
  4. Define network settings.
    Figure 5. Task Sequence Editor: Apply Network Settings
    Task Sequence Editor: Apply Network Settings
  5. Set up Windows and the Configuration Manager client.
    Figure 6. Browsing to select a package
    Browsing to select a package

    Automating the entire deployment makes it more easily repeatable and avoids human error when deploying many servers or workstations. After defining the original configuration and setting up the Operating System Deployment feature, it is possible to realize great time savings during subsequent deployments.