Downloading the FoD key and installing with the key file

The following procedure describes how to download the FoD key and install the key file using removable media.

The following prerequisites are necessary for this task:
All of the FoD operations use the FoD application option and applicable subcommands. For more information, see Appendix B: DSA FoD CLI switches.
  1. Insert the removable medium with DSA Portable Edition into the machine.
  2. Start the DSA Portable Edition executable on the removable medium.
  3. Enter the following command and parameters to download and generate a specific FoD key file from KMS:
    DSA fod download_fod_key --ibmid <userid:password> 
    --uid <unique_id> | --authcode <code> | --mt <machinetype>
  4. Enter the following command and parameters to install the specified key file to a specific key repository:
    DSA fod install_fod_key --keyfile <keyfile> | 
    --device <device> | --host <[http(s)]://[userid:password]@hostip:[port]> | 
    --tftp <[userid:password]@ip:[port]> | --tftp <[userid:password]@ip:[port]> | 
    --commnuity <commnuity> | --authproto <authproto> | --privproto <DES/AES> | 
    --privpasswd <password>
    The definitions of the parameters are:
    --keyfile <keyfile>
    The FoD Key(s) file name.
    --device <device>
    The type of key repository (IMM, CMM, or Switch).
    --host <[http(s)]://[userid:password]@hostip:[port]>
    This option is used for the remote activation key repository.
    If the --host parameter is not used, the default host is the local IMM.
    http or https is used for the CIM connection, and if it is not stated, the default for this CIM connection is https.
    User ID and Password is required for the device interface connection.
    For Switch, the User ID and Password is auth info for SNMPv3.
    Port is used for the CIM interface, and the default is 598.
    --tftp <ip:[port]>
    The TFTP server for the Switch SNMP interface.
    --commnuity <commnuity>
    The community for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.
    --authproto <authproto>
    Authorization protocol for SNMPv3; default: No auth.
    --privproto <DES/AES>
    Privacy protocol for SNMPv3, default: No privacy.
    --privpasswd <password>
    The privacy password for SNMPv3.
    Note: For multi-node systems, FoD support is only available for the node with the IMM IP address specified.