To include operating system files in your deployment image,
you must make the files accessible to the deployment server. If the
operating system files you want to use in your deployments cannot
be accessed by the deployment server, you can copy the files to the
server by following the steps provided in this topic.
Before you begin
If the operating system files you want to use in your deployments
are already in a location accessible to the deployment server, you
do not have to add them to the deployment server.
Note: The Linux Scripting Toolkit supports only Service Pack
4 for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9. To add Service
Pack 4 to the source server, you must first add all CDs of base SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9. After adding these files,
you can add the service pack by following the same procedure. When
you add the service pack, you must select the same target directory
you used for the base.
About this task
If the operating system files are not already in a location
accessible to the deployment server, add them to the server by following
these steps.
- Start the Toolkit Configuration Utility, tkconfig.exe. The default location is C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment
- Select Add Operating System Application Files from
the task list. The Operating System Application files wizard
- From the top panel, select the operating
system you want to add.
- From the lower panel, select the version of the operating
system to import.
- Select the location of the files.
- Click Next to copy
the files to the source server.
- For each operating system that you want to add, repeat
steps 3 through 6.