Adding UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs)

To add UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) to the source server, you must add them to sgdeploy\updates\uxsp directory on the source tree.

About this task

Follow this procedure to add UXSPs to the source server:


  1. Start the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer, ibm_utl_uxspi_x.xx_winsrvr_32-64.exe. The default location is C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\sgdeploy\updates\uxsp\.
  2. Use the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer to download the necessary updates for the machine types and operating systems into the source tree. Download the files to sgdeploy/updates/uxsp.
    Note: Do not manually create directories under sgdeploy/updates/uxsp/. Doing so prevents the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer from locating the update files.
  3. If you are prompted to overwrite existing files, click OK.

What to do next

If the Altiris Deployment Server is not connected to the Internet, you can download the updates to a machine connected to the Internet and copy them to the sgdeploy/updates/uxsp/ directory.