This section describes the process for reinstalling the ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition.
About this task
Toolkit has three
- The IBM Pre-boot environment
- The IBM Scripting Toolkit scripts and utilities
- The IBM Scripting Toolkit Altiris jobs within the Altiris Deployment Solution console
When you install or reinstall the ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition
for Altiris Deployment Solution, these components are
updated as a group. After the update, the Altiris Deployment Solution jobs associated with
the previous version of the ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition
for Altiris Deployment Solution will
no longer work.
To reinstall the Toolkit,
follow these steps:
- Follow the instructions from ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit installation methods that apply to your method
of installation.
- The installer displays the following message to indicate
that a previous installation has been detected:
The following installed items were detected:
IBM Windows PE Toolkit, Windows Edition 2.1
This must be uninstalled before this process can continue. Please select
an option below:
1) Exit The Reinstaller.
2) Automatically Reinstall The Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition.
Select an above option:
- Select either option 1 or option 2:
- To exit the current installation process, select option 1.
You can manually remove the previous installation of the toolkit,
and then install the new toolkit.
- To automatically remove your previous installation of the
toolkit and reinstall the new toolkit, select option 2.