When you automatically remove the Toolkit you can either keep the
previously installed jobs associated with the Toolkit or remove them
as part of the procedure.
To automatically remove the Toolkit, follow these steps:
- Select option 2 from the prompt. You will receive the following
You have chosen to reinstall the following: IBM Windows PE Toolkit,
Windows Edtition 2.1 You may keep the jobs associated with the currently
installed Scripting Toolkit, however, they will be moved to a folder
labeled IBM Scripting Tooklit, Windows Edition (Archived w/ver. 2.1).
Would you like to keep those jobs?<Y/N>
- Choose one of the following options, depending on whether
you want to keep or remove the previously installed jobs:
- Select Y to remove the current Windows PE image and move the
current IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition jobs to a folder named IBM
ServerGuide Toolkit, Windows Edition (Archive).
- Select N to remove all previously installed
jobs, with the exception of user-created jobs.