Configuring RAID with a policy file

You can configure RAID controllers by using stand-alone jobs that configure only the RAID controllers and then stop, and jobs integrated with scripted and image-based deployment.

About this task

The jobs that specify a specific RAID level in them use a pre-configured policy file to create a RAID array of that type on the target machine. The other jobs either deploy a previously captured RAID configuration or create the default RAID configuration if no policy file is specified.


To use a user-defined policy file:

  1. Create the policy file in the sgdeploy\SGTKWinPE\PolicyFiles directory, for example, UserPolicy1.ini. This is the default location specified by the following variable: TK_Path_PolicyFiles=”PolicyFiles”
  2. Copy a pre-existing Toolkit job with RAID configuration.
  3. Modify the TK_PRAID_PolicyFile variable in the copied job to point to your policy file. In this example: TK_PRAID_PolicyFile=”UserPolicy1.ini”