Adding a new supported system using SEPs without Internet connectivity

With System Enablement Packs (SEPs) you can add support for hardware released after the current release of the IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Linux Edition. This section describes the process for adding SEPs to the Toolkit Source Server when the server does not have Internet connectivity.

Before you begin

If the Linux Scripting Toolkit source server does not have access to the Internet, complete the following steps to acquire SEPs.


  1. Copy the septool .zip file (, where xxx is the version number of the tool) from the Toolkit Source Server to a system with Internet connectivity. The default location for this file is:
  2. On the system where you copied the .zip file, extract all of the files in the archive.
  3. From the directory where you extracted the .zip file, run the following command to acquire the SEP and save it in the C:\temp: folder
    septoolxxx.exe acquire -l C:\temp -m machine_type -o none -a x64
    where xxx is the version of the septool utility and machine_type is the machine type of the system for which you want to download SEPs.
  4. Copy the files from the C:\temp folder and place them in the updates folder of the Linux Scripting Toolkit directory tree. The default location is /opt/ibm/sgtk/sgdeploy/updates/uxsp.