Using ToolsCenter Suite CLI for certificate management

ToolsCenter Suite CLI manages Certificate Authority (CA) and Certificate Sign Request (CSR) files on IMM-based systems using the generate, import, export, and deletecert commands.

Before you can manage a certificate on IMM, to ensure that the corresponding certificate server is disabled, complete these steps:
  1. Verify that the IMM HTTPS Server Configuration for web server is disabled using this command line entry:
    Onecli.exe config show IMM.SSL_Server_Enable
    Output generated:
  2. If the server is enabled, disable IMM HTTPS Server Configuration for Web Server using this command line entry:
    Onecli.exe config set IMM.SSL_Server_Enable Disabled

    Output generated:

    Onecli.exe IMM.SSL_Server_Enable=Disabled

    The IMM must be restarted before the selected value (enable / disable) takes effect. Use the command: onecli misc rebootimm.

  3. Before using SSL Client Certificate Management, disable SSL Client Configuration for the LDAP Client first:
    1. Verify that the SSL Client Configuration for LDAP Client is disabled using this command line entry:
      Onecli.exe config show IMM.SSL_Client_Enable
      Output generated:
    2. If the server is enabled, disable the IMM SSL Client Configuration for LDAP using this command line entry:
      Onecli.exe config set IMM.SSL_Client_Enable Disabled
      Output generated:

After completing the steps noted above, you can use ToolsCenter Suite CLI to manage certificates on IMM.

The following procedure provides an overview of how to use the ToolsCenter Suite CLI config application and commands to:
  • View the current status of certificate setting
  • View the available commands for a setting
  • Generate a Certificate Sign Request (CSR)
  • Export a certificate sign request
  • Generate a self-signed certificate
  • Import a Certificate
  • Delete a certificate

For more detailed information about how to use the config applications and commands for certificate mangement, refer to the individual command topics in this section.