Lenovo UpdateXpress
System Pack Installer acquires
and deploys UpdateXpress System Pack update
packages and individual updates. UpdateXpress System Packs contain Windows
and Linux firmware and device driver updates.
The three main functions of
UpdateXpress System Pack Installer are:
- Acquire Updates
- The acquire updates function
allows you to download UpdateXpress System Pack and
individual updates for supported machine types from a remote location
such as the IBM support
- Compare and Update
- The compare and update functions
inventory the system on which the update will be performed, query
the update directory for a list of applicable update packages, compare
the inventory to the applicable update list, recommend a set of updates
to apply, and then deploy those updates to the system.
- Update BladeCenter
- The update bladecenter function
updates the BladeCenter Management
Module, the I/O Modules, and the RAID Shared Storage Module (RSSM)