delete command

Use the delete command to delete an instance of a setting. This command is for IMM-based servers only.


Note: If you use this command to delete the instance of a setting that is a record key, all other settings with the same instance number are deleted.
The syntax of the delete command is
asu delete setting_instance [-nx] [connect_options]

setting_instance is the name of an instance of a setting to delete. Use the command asu show all to show a list of available setting instances.

Use the asu showvalues setting command to show a list of all values that are available for the setting.


Settings can have a minimum number of allowed instances. The delete command does not allow you to delete an instance if doing so causes the number of instances to drop below the minimum number of allowed instances. To determine the minimum number of instances allowed, use the command:
asu showvalues --instances

The output for each setting that can have instances will be displayed, along with the minimum and maximum number of allowed instances.

Also, deleting instances that are part of a record is allowed for only the record key setting. To determine whether or not a setting is part of a record, use the command:
asu showvalues --instances

The output for each setting that can have instances will be displayed, along with the record information. See the showvalues command topic for details about the record information.


  1. Values that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks ( " " ). If a value contains quotation marks, add a backslash ( \ ) before each quotation mark in the value.
  2. If the optional -nx parameter is specified, the ASU performs the operation for node x, where x is the selected node in a multi-node system. Node x can be a number from 1 through 8. If the -nx parameter is not specified, the operation is performed on the primary node (node 1).
  3. The connect options are defined for IMM-based servers only. The --host ip_address, --user user_id, and --password password connect options are all required if you connect remotely to the IMM. The default user and password will not support an out-of-band connection now. The --mtsn, --net, --user, and --password options can be used to connect to IMM-based servers if the server running ASU and the target IMM-based servers are in one LAN. The --user user_id and --password password connect options are not required if you are using the local KCS interface.


The delete command and corresponding output are shown in the following examples.

Deleting an existing instance

Command line:
asu delete IMM.Community_Name.1
Deleting IMM.Community_Name.1
Waiting for command completion status
Command completed successfully

Deleting an instance that does not exist

Command line:
asu delete IMM.Community_Name.3
Could not find setting IMM.Community_Name.3

Deleting an instance that causes the number of instances to drop below the minimum allowed number of instances

Command line:
asu delete IMM.MacAddress.1
The setting IMM.MacAddress.1 cannot be deleted.  Too few instances.

Deleting an instance that is in a record but is not the record key

Command line:
asu delete iSCSI.ConnectTimeout.1
The setting iSCSI.ConnectTimeout.1 is part of a record and cannot be
deleted. To delete the entire instance of the record you must
delete the record's key setting, iSCSI.AttemptName.1.