About customizing sample jobs

This section provides information about customizing the sample Altiris jobs provided with the ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit, Windows Edition.

Each sample job provided within the Altiris Deployment Console that contains customizable settings begins with a task labeled Customize Job Variables that sets all variables for the job. The variables that you can modify are contained within a block similar to the following:


You cannot modify variables outside this block. When you modify a job, it is a good practice to create a copy of the job and modify the copy, rather than modify the original job.
The following table provides a list of the variables in the sample Altiris jobs that you can customize. Note that all values for variables must be enclosed within quotation marks.
Table 1. Customizable variables in Altiris sample jobs
Variable Description
[PRAID Settings]
TK_PRAID_PolicyFile Specifies the PRAID policy file to be used for the job. This value should not contain any path information. Path information is specified in TK_Path_PolicyFiles, described below.

Specifies the location in the Altiris shared directory of the policy file specified by the TK_PRAID_PolicyFile variable. If no value is specified, then the policy file must be in the Altiris shared directory.

The default Altiris shared directory is C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server.

For convenience, the TK_Altiris_Path variable specifies the path to the Altiris directory within the Toolkit, by default: C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\sgdeploy\SGTKWinPE\Altiris. For example, if the policy file is in the C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\sgdeploy\SGTKWinPE\PolicyFiles directory, you can specify the following: %TK_Altiris_Path%\PolicyFiles.

Default: Varies per job, see next section.
[Fibre Settings]

Specifies the number of HBA ports to configure.

Valid values are 1–n, where n is the number of HBA ports available.

This variable affects the use of the following variables:
Where N is the HBA number to be configured.
Note: You must complete one of each of these variables for every HBA port you configure. So if TK_FIBRE_COUNT=2, you must complete one set of these variables for the first port and one for the second.

Identifies the Qlogic/Emulex HBA to be configured, where N is the HBA number to be configured.

Valid values are:

The instance number of an HBA port. Valid values are integers from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of HBAs in the system.

For example, to configure HBA instance 0, you would useTK_FIBRE_1_HBA_ID=0.


The World Wide Port Name of an HBA port, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

For example, to configure HBA: 90-87-AA-BB-65-34-BB-E0, you would use:

Default: 0

Identifies the Brocade HBA to be configured, where N is the HBA number to be configured.

Valid values are:

The instance number of an HBA port. A valid format is N/P, where N is the adapter number from 1 to N, and P is the port number from 0 to p-1.

For example: TK_FIBRE_1_HBA_ID=1/0.


The World Wide Port Name of an HBA port, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

For example, to configure HBA: 90-87-AA-BB-65-34-BB-E0, you would use:

Default: 0


Disable the selected current boot device settings on the specified HBA port, where N is the HBA number to be configured.

Valid values are
Does not clear or disable any boot settings.
Disables the primary and all alternate boot settings: Prim, Alt1, Alt2, and Alt3.
Disables only the primary boot setting.
Disables the Alternative 1 boot setting.
Disables the Alternative 2 boot setting.
Disables the Alternative 3 boot setting.
Default: No
TK_FIBRE_N_BOOT_PRIM = target_wwnn target_wwpn lun_id
Defines the primary boot target settings, where N is the HBA number to be configured, and:
  • target_wwnn is the World Wide Node Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • target_wwpn is the World Wide Port Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • lun_id is the Logical Unit Number of a device.

Default: 0 0 0

TK_FIBRE_N_BOOT_ALT1 = target_wwnn target_wwpn lun_id
Configures the operating system to use the indicated target as the first alternate boot device, where N is the HBA number to be configured, and
  • target_wwnn is the World Wide Node Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • target_wwpn is the World Wide Port Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • lun_id is the Logical Unit Number of a device.

Default: blank

TK_FIBRE_N_BOOT_ALT2 = target_wwnn target_wwpn lun_id
Configures the operating system to use the indicated target as the second alternate boot device, where N is the HBA number to be configured, and
  • target_wwnn is the World Wide Node Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • target_wwpn is the World Wide Port Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • lun_id is the Logical Unit Number of a device.

Default: blank

TK_FIBRE_N_BOOT_ALT3 = target_wwnn target_wwpn lun_id
Configures the operating system to use the indicated target as the third alternate boot device, where N is the HBA number to be configured, and
  • target_wwnn is the World Wide Node Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • target_wwpn is the World Wide Port Name of a device, in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • lun_id is the Logical Unit Number of a device.

Default: blank

[ASU Settings]

Specifies the file to be used for a Capture System Settings or Deploy System Settings operation. If you are capturing system settings, they will be written to a file with this name. If you are deploying system settings, they will be read from this file.

The default value is ASU_Capture.ini


Specifies the path to the file specified by TK_ASU_File.

The default is asufiles\machine_type, where machine_type is the four-digit machine type of the target system.


Designates the capture class. This variable is used only when capturing system settings.

The default value is save.


Specifies additional flags for the current mode.

The default value is –group-bios.

[Partition Settings]

Specifies the disk number on which to create new partition.

Valid values are the disk numbers found by diskpart.exe.

Default: AUTO
Note: The AUTO setting is the first disk on the system.
TK_Partition_Size Specifies the partition size in MB. Valid values are:
  • Max - uses all available space
  • number - specifies the partition size
Default: Max
TK_Partition_FileSystem Specifies the file system type to use when formatting the drive. Valid values are:
  • NTFS
  • FAT32

Default: NTFS

TK_Partition_SR_Size Specifies the partition size, in MB, for a System Reserved Partition.

The System Reserved Partition is a primary active partition created during the partitioning step. The BitLocker Drive Encryption function requires this partition active partition and formatted NTFS.

Valid values are integers greater than 108.

Default: 108MB

Note: This setting is supported only for Windows Server 2008 R2. It is ignored when WinPE is booted in native uEFI mode.

For more information about BitLocker Drive Encryption, see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731549%28WS.10%29.aspx

[NOS Installation Settings]

Specifies the NOS to use for the deployment. This must be a valid directory name within the sgdeploy\OS directory in the Toolkit Source Server.

Default: Varies per job. For example, Win2008_x64 is used for Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition (x64).

Specifies the answer file to use for the deployment. This must be a valid file name within the SGTKWinPE\AnswerFiles directory in the Toolkit Source Server.

Default: win2008.xml for Windows Server 2008 x86 jobs and win2008x64.xml for Windows Server 2008 x64 jobs.

Specifies the product key to be used for unattended installations of Windows operating systems.

Default: blank

TK_NOS_DeploymentDriverLibrary Specifies the deployment driver library (DDL) to use for the deployment. Valid values are:
  • Auto - searches all directories within the sgdeploy\drvs directory and selects the newest DDL present that supports the machine and OS being deployed.
  • dirname - must be a valid directory name within the sgdeploy\drvs directory in the Toolkit Source Server. For example, “w23_drv” would be specified for sgdeploy\drvs\w23_drv.

Default: Auto

TK_NOS_PerformDirectorAgentInstallation Automatically install the IBM Director Agent. Valid values are:
  • Yes
  • No

Default: No

TK_NOS_PerformPostOSInstallUXSPUpdates Automatically install UpdateXpress System Packs after the OS is installed. Valid values are:
  • Yes
  • No

Default: No

[Director Agent Settings]
Specifies the location of the IBM Director Agent application files on the source server. Valid values are:
  • dawin
  • A user-supplied directory in the sgdeploy\apps directory

Default: dawin

[UXSP Settings]

Specifies whether UXSPi should apply the latest updates to the target system if no UXSPs are found for the target system. Setting this variable to Yes forces the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer to apply the latest updates to the target system if no UXSPs are found for that system.

Valid values: Yes, No

Default: No


Specifies user provided command line arguments for processing by the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer in Update mode. To provide command line arguments to be processed by UXSPi, set this variable to the command line arguments.

See UpdateXpress System Pack Installer for a list of command line arguments to use with UXSPi in Update mode.

Default: blank


Specifies the location of the UpdateXpress System Packs on the source server.

Valid values are:
  • uxsp
  • a user-specified directory in the SGTKWinPE\updates directory

Default: uxsp


Specifies whether to reboot the system after executing the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer.

Valid vlues are Yes and No.

Default: No