You can use the Toolkit to
create a complete deployment package that configures RAID, installs
the Windows operating system,
and installs selected applications and updates.
Complete the following prerequisite steps:
This procedure provides an example of how to create a RAID1
configuration image that includes:
- A policy file
- Local installation of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Edition x86
- An installation of Systems Director Agent and UpdateXpress System Pack updates.
- At a command prompt, change the directory to \sgshare\sgdeploy\SGTKWinPE.
- Modify the ScenarioINIs\Local\Win2008_x86_EE.ini file
as follows:
- To configure RAID1 by using a policy file, set TK_PRAID_PolicyFile=RAID1.ini.
- To install Systems Director Agent set TK_NOS_PerformDirectorAgentInstallation=Yes.
- To install the UpdateXpress System Pack updates,
set TK_NOS_PerformPostOSInstallUXSPUpdates=Yes.
- Create the ISO image for deployment by running the command SGTKWinPE.cmd,
using the file you modified:
SGTKWinPE.cmd ScenarioINIs\Local\Win2008_x86_EE.ini
The ISO file for deployment is created in: ..\WinPE_ScenarioOutput\Local_Win2008_x86_EE\WinPE_x86.iso,
and your media creation software is started for creating bootable
media from the image.
- Boot the target system from the bootable media, and follow
the on-screen prompts to complete the deployment.