Command-line interface

You can run UpdateXpress System Pack Installer by specifying commands and options in the Command Line Interface (CLI).

The general syntax for typing UpdateXpress System Pack Installer commands in the CLI is:

<program> <command> [common options] [command options]

A description of <program> and [common options] are listed in the [common options] section. For details on <command> and [command options] for UpdateXpress System Pack Installer, see the following sections:

[common options]

The following options are available to use with Windows and Linux versions of UpdateXpress System Pack Installer:


Displays the specific usage information for specified command. You can specify one of these commands:

  • --acquire-help
  • --bladecenter-help
  • --update-help
  • --compare-help
-c file | --commands=file:
Specifies an optional command file that is used to specify additional command arguments. The arguments contained in the command file have the exact same syntax as the command arguments with the exception that a new line is interpreted as a space character. This new line exception means that arguments in the command file might be specified on multiple lines.
An example of a command file used for acquisition is:
-m 7147, 7148, 7149, 7192
-o rhel4,rhel5,windows
-l groups1-2-3 
-h | --help | -?:
Displays help in the current console window.
Note: You cannot specify other options with this option.
-include software:
Specifies vendor software that should also be updated.
Displays license information. You can output this information to a file using the > redirect character.
Reboots all of the Integrated Management Modules (IMMs) within a partition.
Note: This parameter is necessary only when updating IMM-based multi-node systems with multiple partitions. For all other systems, the IMM reboots automatically.
-u | --unattended:
Runs UXSPI in unattended mode. Although it is not interactive, UXSPI displays messages as standard output.
-V | --version:
Displays the version of UpdateXpress System Pack Installer in the current console window and then exits.
Note: You cannot specify other options with this option.

Screen display and CLI input

The UpdateXpress System Pack Installer CLI screen displays information in two formats:
Figure 1. CLI - screen display
CLI - screen display
The first format is for updates that include individual update files. In this format, you see the package data and the individual update file data:
[*] IBM  ServeRAID 8i, 8k, 8k-l, 8s Controller Driver
    Severity              : Recommended
    Reboot                : Reboot required to take effect
    Update ID             : ibm_dd_aacraid_5.2.0.11829_windows_32-64

    Update                : arcsas.sys
    New Version           :
    Installed Version     :
When there are updates associated with multiple driver files, all of the installed driver files and versions are displayed. For example, the MPTSAS driver on Linux might display similar to the following:
[*] IBM  and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver
    Severity          : Recommended
    Reboot            : Reboot Required to take effect
    Update ID         : ibm_dd_mptsas_4.00.21.00_sles10_32-64

    Update            : mptscsih.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptbase.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptctl.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptfc.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptlan.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptsas.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse

    Update            : mptspi.ko
    New Version       :
    Installed Version : 3.04.02-suse
The second format is for updates that do not include data about individual update files:
[*] RSA II Daemon for IA32 Windows
    Severity              : Recommended
    Reboot                : Reboot required to take effect
    Update ID             : ibm_svc_rsa2_hlp416a_winsrvr_i386
    New Version           : 5.40
    Installed Version     : Undetected
Figure 2. CLI - interactive commands
CLI - interactive commands

When using the command-line interface, you might be prompted to provide input. When the available updates are displayed, you can select the updates you would like to install.

For an update that you want to install, type the number of the update on the command line and press ENTER. An asterisk '[*]' appears in the field next to the update. If you do not want to install the update, retype the number of the update on the command line. A space '[ ]' appears in the field next to the update to indicate that the update is no longer selected.

A summary list of the updates is displayed each time a change is made to the selected updates. The other possible commands are: ENTER, a, f, q. Here is a description of each command:
Apply selected updates.
Pressing the ENTER key by itself refreshes the full update information screen instead of the summary list of selected updates.
Toggle between selecting and deselecting all updates. This command displays a summary list of the currently selected updates.
Typing the number of the update toggles between selecting and deselecting the update. This command displays a summary list of the currently selected updates.
Quit immediately without applying any updates.

The following fields are displayed on the screen after CLI input:

Table 1. Data displayed on screen after CLI input
Column Description
Severity This field displays the importance of an update.
Reboot This field displays if a reboot is required for updates to take effect and when the reboot is to occur if needed.
Update ID This field displays the name of the update package as downloaded from the Lenovo website, without the .xml filename extension.
Update This field (if shown) displays the name of the individual update contained within the update package. For example the .sys driver file in Windows or the .ko kernel object in Linux.
New Version If the update is detected, this field displays the individual update contained within the update package. If the update is currently uninstalled or undetected, this field displays the version of the overall update package.
Installed Version This field displays the version of the individual update that is currently installed on the system.