Lenovo UpdateXpress
System Pack Installer scenarios
You can use Lenovo UpdateXpress
System Pack Installer to
interactively or non-interactively deploy updates.
Updating a local machine from a website UpdateXpress System Pack Installer can update a local machine with UpdateXpress System Packs or individual updates acquired from a website.
Updating a local machine from a local directory UpdateXpress System Pack Installer can update a local machine with UpdateXpress System Packs or individual updates acquired from a local directory.
Creating a repository of updates UpdateXpress System Pack Installer can create a repository of UXSP(s) or individual updates acquired from a website.
Local deployment using CLI interactive mode
You can deploy a package or packages to a directory on the local system using the command-line properties defined in the XML package.
Updating from removable media (non-bootable)
You can use UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPI) to copy a set of UpdateXpress System Packs to removable media, such as a USB key or CD. The version of UXSPI is included in each of the UpdateXpress System Packs.
Acquiring the latest updates for a particular type of update UpdateXpress System Pack Installer can be used to acquire the latest UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) or all the latest updates for a particular machine type and operating system. It can also be used to acquire the latest update for a particular type of update, if you know the update-id (filename) of an earlier update.
Acquiring an update for an ESXi system UpdateXpress System Pack Installer can update an ESXi system with UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) or individual updates acquired from a Lenovo website and can also acquire and deploy the ESXi self-update package that enables you to update ESXi on the target system.
Comparing firmware on an ESXi system
The following procedure describes the process for comparing the firmware inventory on an ESXi system with the updates currently in the update repository.
Updating firmware on an ESXi system
The following procedure describes the process for updating the firmware inventory on an ESXi system from a local update repository or an FTP server.
Updating third-party vendor tools UpdateXpress System Pack Installer provides an option for managing third-party vendor tools. This option can be used with the acquire, compare, or update function.